Teaching and Learning Strategy

2018-2020 Teaching and Learning Strategy of Khazar University

Teaching and Learning Strategy of Khazar University was developed on the basis of Situational Analysis of Teaching and Learning at Azerbaijani Universities within PETRA project. The strategy was also developed as a result of various discussions at managerial and student levels. Khazar University also conducts anonymous student survey which serves good basis for shaping the vision and overall strategy.


Enhancing student learning by providing innovative, research-informed teaching and facilitative learning environment to advance overall student satisfaction and to achieve progressive career outcomes.

Teaching and Learning vision will be achieved by satisfying 5 priority areas. The areas are categorised into two sets – Teaching and Learning.

Teaching and Learning

1. Teaching

1.1 Effective course design 

1.2 Advanced e-Technology in Teaching

1.3 Research informed teaching and learning

2. Learning

2.1 Facilitative learning environment

2.1 Encouraged self-study in students 

Key attributes of Khazar graduates

  • Liberal
  • Creative
  • Professional
  • Leader

2019       performance indicators

  • To advance overall student satisfaction up to 4.6 (which is 4.4 out of 5)
  • To achieve 75% graduate employment after 1st year of graduation (up to 70% now)
  • To issue at least 5 international publications per department (2 at the moment)
  • To achieve 100% (5 working daysX8hours) use of e-Laboratory

Effective course design 

  1. Review the curriculum
  2. Meet stakeholders to receive feedback
  3. Develop and Conduct series of seminars on
    1. Syllabus development
    2. Learning Outcomes
    3. Material development
    4. Teaching methods

3.5. Classroom Assessment

Advanced e-Technology in Teaching

  1. Establish e-Learning Model Room
  2. Regular training of university teachers on using technology in teaching
  3. Reviewing technology need with students

Research informed teaching and learning

  1. Improve the formula for research encouragement
  2. Encourage researchers/teachers to involve students into their research

Facilitative learning environment 

  1. Provide different modes of learning
  2. Rearrange library resources to meet the needs of students

Encouraged self-study in students

  1. Train teachers on encouraging students to become self-directed learners
  2. Promote self-directed learning mode by rearranging resources (library, labs)